
Ianahb lyrics
Ianahb lyrics

ianahb lyrics

he then stares out of the window and is presented with something he can't have, an island of simplicity. he is then shown with a megaphone, like someone who is trying to start a movement. he is first seen in an almost hypnotic state and looks as if he just woke up from a trance. ButĢ-D seems to go through several different feelings on the matter.

ianahb lyrics

primarily seen in this crowd are 2-D and Murdoc, both with very different perspectives on the situation.

#Ianahb lyrics full#

and as the name suggests this tower is full of people looking for an endless party. This video starts inside of a tower labeled feel good inc. This song is really about people falling prisoner to our own gluttony. I just think the island symbolizes a clear head. She is leaving the distraction of fame in her path which is why the helicopters are behind her little island. She is just playing her guitar and chilling doing what she likes to do. Noodle is paying no attention to them at all. Also you cant even make out any of the womens features by the end, they are just blurs but you can see murdoc rocking out.Īs for the helicopters following the island. Murdoc is totally not even paying attention to the women and he just making music and dancing. By the end of the song everyone shakes the distractions and its just them making music and actually enjoying themselves. On that island its just nature and music with no distractions and it is totally disconnected from the world. I feel like the floating island with the windmill is what he dreams of for the future. When he goes to the window you can tell that he feels trapped in this new world of fame. They are too distracted by the women and the fame to truly enjoy their music, and I think that is why 2-D has a megaphone because he is like screaming "hey! what are we doing here" and trying to wake everyone up and realize what is happening here. I feel like in the video it shows that they are rich and famous with lots of women from making music which is supposed to be something they love, but its like they have forgotten the reason they started making music. He is sitting in a chair at the beginning just looking at what is happening, and I think his singing is him thinking to himself. I feel like this music video is different in that I have never seen 2-D with such a look of desperation. Is a tower on top of the world, and murdoc and 2-D are in there "enjoying" the luxuries of being on top. Ok Im not going to really break this song down bit by bit, but here is what I think. Then again, they could just be talking about the band's status. I'm thinking that the guys who write the songs for Gorillaz thinks that it's time for a revolution before we end up living in a totalitarian government.

ianahb lyrics

Some clues of this are in the chorus: "Windmill, windmill, for the land". represents an idealized "perfect" world set upon us by powerful corporate and government people, whereas the windmill represents a new wave of thought that doesn't rely on objects or social status for happiness and fulfillment. One that allows happiness outside of materialism and power outside of "Feel Good Inc." I, personally, think that this windmill represents a new thought, or revolution. Also, there are helicopters chasing after it these helicopters seem like they're part of a super-modern world and are trying to stop or capture the windmill.

ianahb lyrics

Then the next thing you know, the windmill flies by with the sun rising in the background. Still, there are lines where the person(s) talking seem to look down upon the "lower" people in distaste, saying that their talentless, carefree nature is the cause of all of Feel Good Inc.'s misery and boredom: "They've just gotta go cuz' they don't know whack" and mentioning them being "damn-ass free" After that, the person talking goes on to talk about being in a "melancholy town that never smiles" and not being able to sleep. Ironically, these same people seem to enjoy talking about how much they are enjoying life in an attempt to make themselves appear all the more powerful and superior. However, they are so caught up inside their own tower, that they are completely miserable despite all of the things they have. could refer to a massive corporate entity, in which the people in charge only think about materialistic things, like having a million women, or being the ruler of everybody else. I think this song is talking about revolution.įeel Good Inc.

Ianahb lyrics